Terms and conditions of sale


Our general terms and conditions of sale govern the sale of products offered by Wesco in its catalogues or on its commercial websites and all related service provisions in Ireland to persons acting in a professional capacity as well the general public.

Any order for a product implies acceptance without reservation by the Client and his/her full acknowledgement of these general terms and conditions. These general terms and conditions of sale and the purchase and sale transactions arising from them are governed by Irish law.

Any commercial disputes that may arise from these general terms and conditions of sale, and the resulting or ensuing litigation, will be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Trade Courts of Ireland. Wesco, however, reserves the right to file action with any other competent court of its choice.

1. Legal notice

WESCO Ireland, 11 Calbro House, Tuam Rd., H91RW56 Galway

Contact : 091 860822 / 091 860893
Mail : info@wescoireland.ie

The editor declares to respect and adhere to all the laws concerning the implementation and activity of a website.
Access to URL: www.wesco-eshop.ie is free of charge. The costs of accessing and using the telecommunications network shall be borne by the user, under the the terms and conditions set by the service providers and telecommunication operators.

It should be noted that it is an offence, subject to criminal penalties, to access or remain fraudulently in a computer system, to hinder or distort the functioning of such system, or to introduce data to or modify fraudulently the data in a computer system.


84 rue Villeneuve, 92110 Clichy, France
Capital social : 2 325 000€
Tel : +33 1 40 61 20 00


Conception et réalisation du site :
SMILE - Open Source Solutions

Sound Identity

Wesco brand sound identity under exclusive license. 
AUDIOTACTIC (https://audiotactic.fr/) - consulting and sound identity creation agency

2. Products

The products are described and presented with the highest degree of accuracy possible. However, the photographs and graphic representations displayed on our sales media (catalogues, website) are for information and guidance only and are not contractual.

Therefore, the liability of WESCO cannot be incurred in the event of an error.

WESCO made-to-measure mats
WESCO made-to-measure mats are customisable according to the customer's request. These personalised products are excluded from the provisions relating to the right of withdrawal (article L221-28 of the Consumer Code). They are neither retaliatory nor exchanged, except in the case of the implication of the guarantee of hidden defects affecting the chosen sold.
By submitting to WESCO the customisation of the mat (model, colours, dimensions, rounded or reinforced angles, velcro strips), the customer undertakes to verify the accuracy of the desired characteristics before confirming their order.

3. Prices

Our selling prices are guaranteed for the period of time during which each of our catalogues and sales documents are valid, or during the period stated on each promotional offer. The selling prices of products on our website are those displayed when the order is taken. If, for economic reasons, notably in the event of raw material price increase, certain prices are changed before the catalogue validity period ends, the client will be informed of the change at the time of ordering.

Referent prices are displayed including and excluding all taxes (VAT is at the rate 23% applicable on the date our catalogue is printed) Prices and taxes are only valid for Ireland.

If one or more taxes or contributions are introduced or modified, these changes may be applied to the sales price of the products shown in the catalogue and the various sales media. In this case, the client will be informed beforehand.

Discounts negotiated with Wesco in connection with calls for tenders or business agreements are not applicable to prices that have already been discounted (kits, “maxi-lots”, products undergoing stock clearance) or delivery solutions. For articles displaying a price that has already been discounted, the discount applies to the original price (crossed out prices).

4. Ordering

Orders can be placed on the website, by telephone, facsimile or by post on the basis of the product numbers quoted in the hardcopy catalogues. The client acknowledges that he/she has read and accepted these general terms and conditions of sale before confirming his/her order: confirming the order therefore impliesacceptance of these general terms and conditions of sale. The client acknowledges that, before confirming his/her order, he/she has been given the opportunity to examine its contents and prices in detail and correct any errors. Clients are also reminded that any which has been confirmed constitutes an obligation to pay for it.

Purchase orders sent by a client by facsimile or post imply full acceptance of these general terms and conditions of sale, as per the reminder printed in bold letters on the order form.

Orders placed by telephone and confirmed by payment also imply full acceptance of these general terms and conditions of sale.

Orders are fulfilled within the limits of available stocks, and for products not stored in our warehouses, contingent on availability from our supplier. Wesco furthermore reserves the right to refuse or cancel an order when the price displayed for the product(s) is wrong or when there are serious reasons for suspecting fraudulent intentions regarding the order(s). If a dispute with a client regarding payment for a previous order is in progress, Wesco reserves the right to block shipment of the new order.

For any order placed by telephone, facsimile or the internet, please do not send confirmation by post.

5. Shipping costs

We apply a handling and processing charge of € 6.00 including VAT on every order delivered in the Republic of Ireland Furniture: our furniture is delivered unassembled. Prices do not include any assembly services. We will supply a quote for any requests for assembly at the place of delivery (please refer to our service guide at the beginning of the catalogue).

Web exclusive : On orders of €250 or over there is no processing fee ( handling charge ) applied.

6. Delivery

The merchandise is delivered by a freight carrier to the address entered on the purchase order +/-10 working days.

This timeframe is given for information purposes only. It comes into effect on the date your order is recorded and depends, in particular, on the availability of freight carriers and on the order in which the merchandise arrives. If, on an exceptional basis, the delivery timeframe announced cannot be met, the client will be informed and will have the choice of either maintaining the order or cancelling it.

This timeframe is not guaranteed for orders involving a large number of items or customised articles.

Delivered to your doorstep.

Deliveries over 5m3 will be subject to an appointment in order to agree on the terms of delivery.

* For deliveries during back-to-school periods and the festive season, or for deliveries on a specific date, we recommend that you place orders as early as possible.

7. Transfer of litle and liability

WESCO retains full title to the products and/or equipment and accessories until full and effective payment has been received and all the client’s obligations to WESCO have been performed.
Until such time, the products and/or equipment delivered shall be considered as consigned and the client shall bear full liability for any damage or loss caused to, or by, the relevant products and/or equipment for any reason whatsoever. Failing total or partial payment, WESCO may, without prejudice to its other rights, apply for the immediate return of the products and/or equipment at the client’s expense, by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt.

8. Order receipt

Merchandise travels at the recipient’s risks and liability, even if sent carriage-free.

The day your goods are delivered please examine the delivery docket and check in the presence of the courier the number of packages received and the condition of the goods. If one of your parcels arrives damaged, please immediately check the condition of the product(s) and write “damaged goods” on the delivery docket. You can also refuse your delivery for this reason. (Please note, the mention "subject to unpacking" or "damaged package" does NOT allow any recourse to the carrier).

On the receipt, indicate your name in full, date, sign and if you have one, affix your stamp.

If you observe any damage, you have a period of 72 hours (Article L133-3 of the French Commercial Code) to file a complaint with the carrier; a copy of the claim must also be sent for information to our customer service department : WESCO Ireland, 11 Calbro House, Tuam Rd., H91RW56 Galway No claims (missing or damaged parcels) will be considered if this procedure is not observed.

9. Payment

For orders from Local Authorities, payment is by:
- administrative payment order, cleared by the public body
- bank transfer

For all other clients, Companies and Private Individuals Payment is by:
Bank transfer
Credit card

No discounts are granted for advance payments
The products remain the property of Wesco until full payment of the invoice.
Credit cards are debited at the time available products are shipped, for the price of the items which have been shipped.

If you pay by cheque, the cheque must be issued on a bank with headquarters in Irland, and made out to Wesco Ireland.
Cheques must be sent by post, together with the order form to: WESCO Ireland, 11 Calbro House, Tuam Rd., H91RW56 Galway
Any payment deadlines granted by WESCO must be strictly observed or the client is liable to the following:
- all outstanding sums may become payable immediately and automatically should an invoice remain fully or partially due,
- professionals will be charged interest on late payment at the rate applied by BCE at the due date of the invoice plus 10 points, in addition to a penalty payment of 20% on the outstanding amount(s) without prior notice and without prejudice to interest and costs in the event of a lawsuit.

10. Purchase voucher: conditions of use

These conditions automatically apply whenever the client accepts a purchase voucher offered by our websites. These conditions may be edited by WESCO at any time without prior notice. Changes only apply to purchase vouchers issued subsequently to these changes.

During the events held by WESCO or those held by other companies, WESCO may freely distribute purchase vouchers to its website visitors, whether they purchase goods or not, to all comers or to those belonging to certain categories. These vouchers entitle their holders to a price discount on future purchases either in absolute value or in a percentage of the price of the future purchase.

These purchase vouchers are only valid on the websites that offered them, for the validity period stated on them, and for the products featured at the time they were distributed.

- The validity of a purchase voucher can be checked in the client area or on the shopping cart page.
- The specific terms and conditions of purchase voucher use are specified when they are issued.
- The value of a purchase voucher cannot be reimbursed in cash.
In the event of a total or partial return of the order, the fraction of the price paid using a purchase voucher will only be refunded with another purchase voucher.

11. Money-back guarantee

WESCO grants you a period of 20 consecutive days after you receive the goods to cancel if you are unhappy with an item or you made a mistake when ordering.

Just return the product to us at your expense, in brand new condition and in its original packaging, together with its RETURN VOUCHER (available on the website in the AFTER-SALES area - just complete it and print it out) to the address below: WESCO Ireland, 11 Calbro House, Tuam Rd., H91RW56 Galway

The product will be refunded or exchanged at your request (subject to availability) within 30 days after receipt of the product in brand new condition.
These provisions are not applicable to tendering contracts and to tailor-made products.

Items that are returned because they are not fit for purpose or do not meet customer demand will incur a 10% restocking fee, items must be in their original packaging.

12. Liability

WESCO has a performance obligation for the order-taking process and the stages subsequent to concluding the sales contract.

However, our liability is not incurred if the nonperformance of our obligations is attributable to the unforeseeable or insurmountable fault of a third party or a force majeure event as defined in French case law and article 13 below.

Likewise, our liability cannot be incurred for any loss or damage relating to Internet usage, including interruption of service, outside intrusion or computer viruses.
We decline any liability for damage or accidents resulting from incorrect use of a product.

13. Force majeure

Force majeure events, in addition to those usually asserted Irish case law, include total or partial strikes internal or external to WESCO, transport or supply blockades for any reason whatsoever, government or legal restrictions, computer breakdown, telecommunications blockades including networks, and the Internet in particular.
The occurrence of a force majeur event will automatically suspend order fulfilment.

If, after a period of 3 months, the parties observe that the force majeur event prevails, the order will be automatically cancelled except if the parties agree otherwise.

14. Warranties

You may benefit from the contractual warranty described in this section and, of course, from the latent defect warranty pursuant to articles 1641 to 1649 of the Civil Code.

The products we sell are covered by a 1-year minimum contractual warranty allowing clients to return defective products or products not fit for their intended use. Many of our products are covered by longer warranties. Coverage periods and extension options are specified in each product description in our catalogues and commercial websites.

Contractual warranties do not cover: abnormal or non-compliant use of the product with regard to its specifications, normal wear and tear and external material incidents. Here are some instances: normal wear and tear to parts (bicycle wheels, etc.) or textiles subjected to frequent washing (bibs, cloths, etc.), consumables (batteries, stationery, etc.), incorrect use or maintenance (such as failure to comply with the user manual), external causes (water damage, vandalism, etc.), damage due to incorrect repair by the client and special items with an expiry date specified at the time of ordering.

For the entire duration of the contractual warranty, a product that does not function correctly due to a material or manufacturing defect will be repaired or replaced by a product with similar features based on the value of the product and the magnitude of the defect (product replacement or repair at WESCO’s choice if one option involves a cost obviously out of proportion to the other option based on the value of the item or the scope of the defect).
If we are unable to send you a new or repaired product within 20 days after receiving your return, your product downtime will be added to the contractual warranty period except if the product you have returned does not fall within the scope of the contractual warranty.

Outside the warranty period: for all repair requests, return shipping charges are at the client’s expense. Spare parts, wear parts and repaired parts may be invoiced to the client.

An appropriate quote will be immediately issued by our staff on request from the client.
You also benefit from the statutory latent defect warranty pursuant to articles 1641 to 1649 of the Civil Code.
Pursuant to articles 1641 and 1648, subsection 1 of the civil code, A seller is bound to a warranty on account of the latent defects of the thing sold which render it unfit for the use for which it was intended, or which so impair that use that the buyer would not have acquired it, or would only have given a lesser price for it, had he known of them.
The action resulting from latent defects must be brought by the buyer within a period of two years following the discovery of the defect.

15. After-sales service

Exchanges and returns
Exchanges and returns WESCO’s after-sales service is reachable by telephone from 9.30 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. Mondays to Fridays except bank holidays at : 091 860893 / 091 860822, e-mail to: or by post to the following address: WESCO Ireland, 11 Calbro House, Tuam Rd., H91RW56 Galway

If, at the time of delivery, the products you receive do not match the products you ordered and you implement the statutory and contractual warrantees, and after a detailed complaint is received and the products are returned, Wesco undertakes to provide after-sales support free of charge by exchanging or repairing the product if found to be defective.
Furniture and other voluminous items may only be returned with the prior agreement of WESCO. Products returned for an exchange or refund must be intact and in their original packaging.
They must include all accessories and documents.

Packaging and carriage on returned goods are at the Client’s expense and are only refunded for returns as per articles 11 and 14.

Customised items sold on the basis of a quote and accepted by the client cannot be returned or exchanged.

16. Intellectual proprety

The general structure, software, texts, animated or still images, sound, know-how, drawings, graphics and any other elements making up our websites or catalogues are the sole property of Wesco. Any total or partial reproduction of these websites or catalogues using any process whatsoever without the express permission of Wesco is prohibited and constitutes an infringement punished by articles L335-2 et seq. of the Intellectual property Code.

Wesco is not liable for hypertext links implemented on our websites pointing to other online resources.

WESCO brands featured on our websites and catalogues are registered trademarks. Any total or partial reproduction of these trademarks without the express permission of WESCO is therefore prohibited. To apply for this permission, you can email us at info@wescoireland.ie

17. Cookies

In order to offer you the best possible service, we record the number of pages seen, the number of visits, as well as visitor's activity on the site, and the frequency of visits. For that purpose, we use "cookies".

"Cookies" are small files that a server administrator installs on your computer, allowing the Internet user data to be saved when they connect to the site. We only use the "cookies" system to save information which will make browsing easier for you.
For example the use of cookies will avoid you having to enter information into forms each time you return to the page.
In no circumstances does this system save your personal data.

The user is informed that this cookie can only be read by the server which created it and that it contains no personal data.

Generally, the Internet users can change the settings of their browser so that you are warned when cookies are created. You can therefore choose to unsubscribe to this system.

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