[ Inclusion - Autisme ]
Des produits sensoriels pour éveiller les sens des petits et des grands !

WESCO has been supporting toddler professionals since 1975

15,000 products to furnish your spaces

Changing area

Eating area

Nap time area

Découvrez Kazaplan et aménagez votre espace en 3D

Multi-sensory space

Reception area and cloakroom

Motor skills area

Creative activities

Outdoor games

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Why choose Wesco?

Choosing Wesco means trusting our 40 years of expertise built and approved by early childhood and education professionals. Our permanent exchanges allow us to validate the relevance of our creations and our selections, to be in line with the new educational approaches and to make our products evolve according to the educational needs of the child.

Standards, labels and certifications...

Micro-creche essentials 

Les essentiels pour les Assistants maternels 


Fiches créatives
La recette de la galette des Rois

Les soins à donner à l’enfant ont-ils priorité sur ses jeux ?

Mieux comprendre l’articulation entre les soins à donner à l’enfant et les jeux.
Accompagner les professionnel.le.s et les parents dans l’évolution de leurs pratiques.

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You are a nursery, a multi-home, a micro-nursery, a nursery for mums at work, a maternal assistant or hospitable?

Partner of the professionals of the early childhood since 1975, Wesco offers all the essential equipment to accommodate children from 0 to 3 years: beds and bunks, spaces of exchange, furniture of reception and storage, equipment of motricity, seats and carpets, barriers and safety accessories ...
Also find all the equipment for baby, our games and toys at first age (awakening, imitation, construction ...), and creative leisure equipment suitable for under 3 years.

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