+ 3 years old | Difficulty:  ★ | 30 minutes


To create cute coasters for Easter, here are the steps:

  • Take a slice of wood and place it on a pastel yellow foam sheet. Draw the outline with a felt pen on the sheet. Remove the slice from the foam sheet and cut out the shape you have drawn.
  • Print the WESCO chick legs and beak templates, cut them out. You can then reproduce step 1 with the templates on a pastel orange templates on a sheet of pastel orange foam.
  • Take a ball of wool (yellow or orange). Cut out 11 pieces of about 5 cm. Group 10 pieces together to make a bouquet. bouquet, and use the 11th piece to tie the other 10 pieces in the centre.
  • Let's assemble the chick. Place a wooden slab in front of you. you. Glue the 2 legs of the chick to the bottom of the log, the legs should The legs should stick out of the wood. Next, glue the yellow yellow shape on the disc and the legs. And to finish, glue the beak in the centre, and the bunch of wool on the top of the chick.
  • Personalise your chick by drawing eyes.

Clever chicks to delight your guests with every sip!

  • FC xxxxxx - xxxxxx - et1
  • FC xxxxxx - xxxxxx - et2
  • FC xxxxxx - xxxxxx - et3
  • FC xxxxxx - xxxxxx - et4

Wesco's realization | www.wesco-eshop.ie

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